belmar new jersey belmar new jersey

Down the Shore

Belmar, New Jersey, USA

down the shore
Region: Homestay, one block from the boardwalk and beach.

Make yourself at home. Your air conditioned guest room, with private bath, has been thoughtfully appointed with your complete comfort in mind. Help yourself to the cold drinks stocked in the guest parlor refrigerator ... they go so well with a handful of our home-baked chocolate chip cookies. Forgot beach towels? Don't worry, we'll lend you some to take along with your complimentary beach passes.

Looking for fun things to do? Evening concerts and theme weekends are favorites during the season. Rent a boat at the Marina or fish from a party boat. Discover a dazzling variety of charming local shops. Thoroughbred racing at Monmouth Park, trotters at Freehold Raceway, world-class entertainment at the Garden State Arts Center, and Six Flags Great Adventure, are all within about a half-hour drive.

Down the Shore
201 Seventh Ave - Belmar, NJ 07719-2204

This and other New Jersey Bed and Breakfast Inns can be found here in The Register.
Romantic Country Inns, Getaways and B&Bs offer a great lodging alternative to big hotels.
A warm comfortable bed and a tasty breakfast can make for a great vacation or business travel day!

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