The Directory Of Bed & Breakfasts, Inns, And Small Hotels
Join The Over 900+ Properties That Are Listed in THE REGISTER!!
Traffic to our site continues to increase!!!
THE REGISTER was the Internets first online lodging directory! Launched in March of 1995. is a killer site. Your search engine placement is right up there with the big gorilla 5-Star InnStar bed and breakfast hosting directories. Our visibility in our big city convention town, with tons of lodging competition, could not be better than it is with TravelAssist. You give us a definite edge.
Best, Mike & Liz
"Hello from Cape Cod.
We continue to get bookings from travelassist. Great site."
"We had a great first year and are looking forward to many more visitors in 1998. The Register is a great part of our success. Keep up the good work!"
"Everything looks great on the proof sheet you sent. Go with it.
Thanks for your help."
"We appreciate your help. By the way, we have done a lot of business off of your service. Keep up the good work!"
Kate and Joe
"Thanks, You did a great job!"
Alton & Iralee
To be included, follow the instructions below and send in your listing today!
PUBLICATION SCHEDULE - THE REGISTER is updated on a quarterly basis: March 1st, June 1st, September 1st, December 1st.
DEADLINE FOR MATERIAL - All material must be received by the 27th of the month preceeding the publication date.
Pay Online with PayPal -OR- Google Checkout or make your check payable to: ASSIST Information Services
Mail your payment & description info to:
ASSIST Information Services, 1077 E. Pacific Coast Hwy #197, Seal Beach CA 90740
Questions or Comments? Contact
Bruce Murray of ASSIST Information Services
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All submissions become the property of ASSIST Information Services. Supply a self-addressed stamped envelope for the return of photos or artwork. ASSIST Information Services reserves the right to: refuse any submissions, edit supplied text, and electronically manipulate images made from supplied photos or artwork. Clearly mark any copyrighted material so that the creator can be properly credited. ASSIST Information Services shall not be liable for consequential, special indirect, or other similar damages, and in no event will the liability for damages to you or any other person ever exceed the price paid, regardless of any form of the claim. At any time ASSIST Information Services can remove a listing for any reason and refund the full amount paid. Participation in the service indicates agreement with the above statements.
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