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About the Beaches of Bermuda

By Victoria Harding

Beaches of Bermuda

When planning a trip to Bermuda there is usually only one thing on your mind, relaxation. What better way to relax then on some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Not only are there many public beaches, but hotels and resorts often offer private beaches as well.

Elbow Beach
This is a lovely, one mile stretch of pink sand and is one of Bermuda's most popular beaches. There are four hotels avalible for lodging and if you are just visiting the beach for a day, a four dollor fee is charged to enjoy the beach and it's facilities, and it is well worth it! - Elbow Beach Hotel (441) 236-3535

Astwood Cove
This is a seculed public beach that is located at the bottom of a steep road that crosses South Shore Road. To find it, it is suggested that you inquire with some of the locals. This beach is never over-crowded and is a great place to get away and be alone. The wonderful nature of Astwood Park also provides a beautiful backdrop for the beach.

Tobacco Bay Beach
This is one of Bermuda's most visited beaches. Here you will be able to enjoy a vast amount of facilities, equipment, snacks, and much more for tons of fun in the sun!

Horseshoe Bay
Being Bermuda's most famous beach, Horeseshoe Bay is also the best for families. From May to September there is a lifeguard on duty in order to provide extra safety for the kids and extra relaxation for the parents. Beach House (441) 238-2651 - The Beach House offers rentals and facilities.

Bermuda has some magnificent large and small beaches but, unlike in many American states and other jurisdictions, not all are open and available to the public. The best beaches - for example, those owned by hotels or on the Tucker's Town peninsular - are private and the public may go only on "public" beaches. Unlike in places such as California (where by law there are no private beaches but scofflaws put up Private Property signs and Steve Hoye's Access for All is well-known) there is no similar agency in Bermuda.

Bermuda was first settled in 1609 by shipwrecked English colonists headed for Virginia. Tourism to the island to escape North American winters first developed in Victorian times. Tourism continues to be important to the island's economy, although international business has overtaken it in recent years. Bermuda has developed into a highly successful offshore financial center. A referendum on independence was soundly defeated in 1995.

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