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About Travel Nutrition

By Victoria Harding

Travel Nutrition

When traveling, it is allowed to indulge yourself in the food of your destination. Usually, one tends to throw our their normal diet when traveling, we feel a necessity to try more food that we are accustomed to. Here are some nutritional tips you may want to keep in mind the next time you travel. Most items you can buy and pack, but some are available at your destination.

At certain times of the year, it is almost impossible to find the fresh produce necessary for your diet. Adding food supplements just may be a good idea while traveling. Two good choices are green superfoods (green magma, barley, or wheat grass) or Phyto-Aloe.

Soy protein powder is available in many sources including, Genisoy, Nature's life and NutriSOY. Mixed with fruit juice, soy drinks make an excellent, nutrition packed meal.

Calcium helps the production of energy and aids in the digestion of fat and protein. When traveling, it is difficult to get all the calcium needed, but if you take a minimum of 1,000 milligrams a day, your bones, body, and energy level will feel great and ready to do some sight seeing.

Although aircraft cabins are pressurized, the barometric pressure is less than on the ground at sea level. For most flights, the cabin pressure is similar to that found at 5000-8000 feet above sea level. The effects are: less oxygen available; and gas within our body cavities expands. This is usually well tolerated by healthy passengers, but it may help to avoid gas-forming foods or liquids before flight.

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